I really like Against Me! They’re a punk band that Cody and Joe turned me on to. They are the kind of punk I tend to like, and they’re pretty solid. Some of their newer stuff is a bit more mainstream and not really quite there, and I have no clue what album the song…
Tag: Music Review
Wherein: I grind against your girlfriend’s ass
Flogging Molly was Awesome. Punk Rock Karaoke was Awesome. Bouncing Souls were Awesome. Dead to Me was Not Awesome. The most surreal point of the night was the cute short chick who came up to me, started grinding her ass into my crotch dancing, then apologized. I said “Uh… don’t worry about it” and she…
Wherein: I blog about Punk Rock
Since it’s 4:30 in the morning on a Friday night I figured, what better time than now to post a longish live journal entry. I just got done watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Like a dumbass I haven’t seen it until just now and I, of course, loved it. But it’s brought be…