The man needs no introduction
Tag: Everybody writes poetry these days
A reminder to forget
One day I will take you for granted.
Your sweat will no longer smell sweet
It seemed morbid to post this poem on my birthday so I waited a bit
Smirking like an asshole
Just a moment out of time I enjoyed more than I should have
Three Quick Ones
All our lives summed up such
Profound moments of confusion where it’s not clear if everything is on the line or really just nothing at all
One from the road
I’ll write something new one of these days
in this case, love
maybe life wasn’t quite as terrible as I thought
I wonder
A little bit of lovey dovey poetry for you.
A sleeptime princess drolled out my name through a haze of fading life I cast her out into the world of dreams to be predator, lover,wife She raised an arm, gesturing in my way blinked her eyes shut and, then tried to smile I placed a solemn finger on her lids and left a fleeting…
Written for me
I found something someone wrote for me a while ago. I really like it, so here it is for your reading enojyments
More Writing
I woke from a fever dream, screamed and woke again.
She was fickle and distant and cursed beautiful madness.
I didn’t write it, but I dig it
“Being Somebody” By: Edwin Honig.
‘He had so little need of those who said they had need of him’