GREEN COVE SPRINGS, Fla. (April 25) – A woman in a wheelchair who swung knives and a hammer at relatives and police died after being shocked by a stun gun, officials said. Does the rest of the article matter?
Wicked Burn
So here’s what happened. We go into this bar called Philly West. It’s right by Manu’s house and they have amazing Cheesesteaks and beer. So we go in, we get the cheesesteaks, we get the bear, and we start to talk and drink. Kim, one of Manu’s co-workers, is bitching about how she came over…
Wherein: I make the paper
So… I woke up this morning to discover that I was on the Front Page of the LA Times. No joke. Thats a pretty weird experience. I knew some dude from the LA times had taken my picture but I CERTAINLY didnt expect to be on the front page, let alone wearing… MY RAPTORS AWAY!…