I found something someone wrote for me a while ago. I really like it, so here it is for your reading enojyments
Author: admin
Anne Plast
It was then that I realized that whatever ill will I had towards my grandmother was misplaced and whatever pain I thought I was going through was no doubt dwarfed by whatever she felt. She had loved with every fiber of her being, and once that love stopped being in her life, she stopped caring about it at all.
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The remake follows more closely the original Japanese Manga, which as it turns out is considerably darker, and actually has an ending, as opposed to the original which somehow ends in alternate realities and a kid flying around on a dragon while doing dog-fighting with Nazi’s in biplanes or something.
Pirates Vs. Ninjas
This post contains the song lyrics for the Raptors Away song Pirates Vs. Ninjas (PvN), including both alternate endings. It contains band information and links to the songs as well. It also reveals the origins of the phrase “Captain Tiggerwillies”.
Email Usage Report for Exchange 2007
How to create a batch reporting script that will send you a summary of the emails used by specific people in your Exchange Organization. Careful guys, Big Bro is watching (I’m big and a brother, so I totally count)
More Writing
I woke from a fever dream, screamed and woke again.
She was fickle and distant and cursed beautiful madness.
I didn’t write it, but I dig it
“Being Somebody” By: Edwin Honig.
‘He had so little need of those who said they had need of him’
RePost: And The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
That night we spoke of parenthood. And watching children grow older. Going to their graduation. We lived out a thousand possible lives with our possible sons and daughters. We talked of supporting our children. Playing catch with them. Playing tricks on them. All sorts of things I hope I never forget.
Flash Game: Fly Guy
10 out of 10 minutes wasted. Check it out, worth the time if you got the sound.
We Dine on Coming Hope
Another thing I wrote and liked. I’m always worried people will take the phrase “We make idle chat:
hoping for a white apocalypse” the wrong way…
Wherein: Nathan gets crucified
“It was a crazed maddened cry as if she had found out I had just told her I was canceling Will and Grace, 90210, and I clubbed a baby seal. It was a matriarchal battle cry. And it chilled me to my bones.”